Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Update on my Life....

Well, I amnot going to complain about anything lol. But I have been suuuper bussy at not lying! Just take a look! Its not even half of what it is! 
I had 65 pallets delivered this past week and I've been sooo busy taking inventory... but I am finally done with that.

I'v done my sisters friends nails, my boyfriends sisters nails and my nails :) Here are the pics of that in order mentioned...

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I also attended my classified staff appreciation luncheon at work, went to my dear cousin Ixsel's confirmation dinner, played baseball with my family and had lunch at the restaurant I used to work at... The pics are shows in order mentioned...
My lovely coworkers... from left to right & top to bottom
Mariana, Coco, Me, Yunuen, Jaz, Liz & Ana <3

My cousin Ixsel and I at her Confirmation Dinner...

My two sisters sitting with my dad and me on the left...

My cousin Ulysses from visiting from Mississippi, myself and my cousin Jr.

Me, my sister and Cindy...
Lunch at Los Tomatero's Restaurant where I formerly worked at... :)

So that is a little of what has been going on. Ill try to blog more often <3

With Love,
Cynthia Viera

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