Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Welcoming Summer with my.....

          ...Summer class at school! Im only taking one class this summer because I need to put in many hours at work because of my 21st b.day celebration in Vegas. I absolutely looove my class, Im taking Food and Nutrition because I need it for my Child Development major :) I even got a buddy from my Cultural Anthropology class last semester so that was good. We already teamed up to work on our firs project :) Gosh I sound like nerd! 
          Anywho, I will be going to Vegas this weekend to enjoy that 102 degree weather lol. I need to start packing my weekend bag because I don't want to be packing last minute.
          This weekend was Father's day and man did I have a good day! I made my grandpa from my moms side an iMovie with pictures when he was young and all my aunts n uncles were crying. I got many compliments on the movie :) I don't have any pictures to share on this post but hopefully I have some to post on my next blog.

With Love,
Cynthia Viera 

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