Saturday, July 9, 2011

Busy Bee!

My mother woke me up all early today! Not cool! I have soooo many things to do... I have to go get an application at the post office to renew my passport, go book the church for my baby sisters Quinceanera, go to the recycling center then go to Paramount to pick up some nail supplies then come home and get ready for a dear friends 21st Bday Party! I really do not want to get out of bed. But oh well! Gotta do what I gotta do!

So many great things are coming my way in the next few months and I want time to just speed up! Next month, I am going to Boston, MA! Ive never been there so I am definetly very excited to go, I just want to pack my bags and go! lol Then in October I turn 21 and I want to have a few days of celebration here in LA before I go celebrate in Vegas, NV!

No pictures for this post! Ill definitely have some in the next posts!

With Love, 
Cynthia Viera 

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