Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mixed Emotions....

Today I checked my grade for one of my online classes and I saw that I had only half the credit for one of my assignments. I was really upset to read that I "had not" completed the assignment when in fact I did not take my family out to the fair until posting to the three blogs about observation I had to post to. It's really upsetting because that lowers my grade and I need to get a better grade. It's really frustrating! I didn't even eat dinner today because I'm really stressed about it :(

On a good note, my bday is in 2 WEEKS!!!!! Tick Tock ! Hurry up time I want to blow my candles <3 I am very excited! I didn't want to go to work that day but.. heck... everyone else is working... so no one would be able to spend the day with me. lol. Its alright! 

Also.... I filmed some nail stuff today, I started to edit it but I felt like posting lol maybe it will be up tomorrow. NO PROMISES lol 

Cynthia Viera

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