Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Monday!

Today is a beautiful day in Souther California. 
It's raining! 
I get to wear my zebra print rain boots. 
I love rainy days but it really sucks that I work in my office and the window is on the opposite side of where I have my desk and I don't get to stare out the window as much as I wish I could. I have yet to find a nice looking umbrella. I had a really cute umbrella that I bought to take to NYC when I went in June of 2010 but when I came back I used it once and then I took it out a second time and found it was broken from one metal strip.
And you know how embarrassing it is when your umbrella is all crooked lol.
I really want a transparent bubble umbrella because the wind won't flip that one out but I have yet to find a place with a decent priced one. I am not going to pay over $30 for a umbrella we Souther Californians only use less than 1 month out of the whole year.
Well that's it for today, I will be jumping in some puddles as I walk to my car to go home.


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